How to connect/add GoDaddy Subdomain to Blogger/Blogspot (Step by step)
Blogger is one of the most popular options to start a blog from scratch. One of its most important features is that Blogger , owned by Google, is completely free to use. You only need to create a free Gmail or Workspace account . If you would like to add a custom domain, such as .com, .net, .ai,, and others, you will need to purchase/register it with a domain provider. Domain prices can range from $1.95 to $83, depending on your business industry. In Australia, we recommend GoDaddy , as it is one of the easiest and most intuitive services. Once you have these two services, you can start your blog. 1. Create your Gmail account and sign in. 2. Create your blog A. First, you will need to create the name of your blog. B. Second, add a domain. 3. Go to settings and check the 'Publishing' menu." 4. "Select the 'Custom Domain' option, and a window will expand. Here, you will need to enter your subdomain. For this example, you should...